Appreciate the rich tapestry created by your life experiences, where each woven strand within this tapestry represents your fears, regrets, challenges, and successes just like the four seasons of change…


I empower women to find their voice, so they can reconnect with their power, and start their new chapter of life with clarity, confidence, and courage.


You’ve been on this long, and often lonely road for a while now. But, I’m here to show you the path to true healing. The truth is, many things like therapy, medications, and even yoga only help treat one aspect of our beings.

You need a holistic approach that will get to the core of what is holding you back so that you can heal your body, your mind, and your spirit. And, that is the beautiful journey you and I will embark on together.

I know what it’s like to feel voiceless and lost after a divorce. I also know the immense light, love, and power we have inside that can put our lives on a new trajectory.

If you’re here, then I also know one important thing about you: There’s MORE inside of you that you’ve yet to discover.

My Experience with Heartbreak

My biggest life lesson and challenge was breaking free from an abusive marriage of twelve years where I felt trapped due to cultural and societal norms.

I often had sleepless nights worrying about what would happen to me and my children emotionally, psychologically, and financially from the fallout of the divorce.

I was scared about what people would say about my character or how I would be judged as divorce is still a taboo in most cultures; and more importantly what if I lost custody of my seven year-old daughter and five year old son.

But I was bold enough to follow my soul’s nudging and filed for divorce with my family’s unflinching support.

Free at last…!

I came out on the other side of pain, shame, guilt, and grief with resilience, perseverance, and faith.

It is my sincere hope and life’s purpose now to help other women see their true potential and to make them realize that transitions in life are like the seasons of change. It allows us to take comfort in knowing that just like the various seasons that pass us by, our pain too shall pass and that better days are ahead of us if we just take a moment to reflect on our life’s experiences.


I am on a mission to empower every woman feel at home in her body, mind and spirit so that she can honestly say:


  • My journey to the United States began three days after my seventeenth birthday when I, along with my family, emigrated from Pakistan. Being the firstborn child, I learned to maneuver the ways of this new country and became independent and protective of my family.

  • I grew up in a loving family where everyone respected each other. Values such as hard work, the pursuit of a great education, kindness, honesty, and humility were ingrained in me at an early age. These were demonstrated in multiple facets including nursing injured animals back to health and forming an innate ability to pick up on people’s unexpressed emotions. I continue to embrace these gifts and feel it is my mission to be of service to others who may benefit from my experience and wisdom.

  • I have multiple degrees and certifications that allow me to provide superior service.

    I graduated with honors with a degree in Master of Social Work and Bachelors in Psychology from the University of Houston. I also received a Bachelor of Metaphysics from the University of Sedona.

    I was a Crisis Hotline Volunteer for six years and was even elected Volunteer of the Year by Crisis Intervention of Houston while completing my graduate studies.

    Moreover, I have also successfully completed courses in the First and Second Level Reiki method of Natural Healing along with Certification in Advanced Reiki method of Natural Healing from my mentors Mr. Michael Yarborough and Ms. Melanie Herrel.

    I also hold a certification from the highly reputed International Center for Reiki Training (ICRT).

    Additionally, I continued my training to become a Certified Empowerment Coach from the highly-acclaimed S.W.A.T. Institute which trains Empowerment Coaches internationally. I successfully participated in a year-long mastermind group led by top Women's Empowerment Coach Crystal Andrus Morissette-founder of S.W.A.T Institute. Lastly, I feel blessed to have had the opportunity to successfully complete several coaching courses taught by world-renowned coaches Rich Litvin and David Bayer.

  • To empower each woman where she truly feels free to live life on her own terms; where she is free to dream, visualize, create and live out her life unapologetically towards her full potential.